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New Rd & Pioneer Ave, Midridge Park, Midrand


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Product Overview & features

The name IoTrack stems from Internet of Things (IoT) + Tracking and is a purpose built solution specifically developed for personal and asset tracking. Compared to traditional GSM & RF based tracking products, our solution is significantly more cost effective, it is reliable and flexible which makes it ideal for tracking almost any asset. Whether your assets are moving, or are static and should not be moving, our solution allows you to keep track of them!

Our product range includes both GSM and Sigfox (non-GSM) based tracking units which caters for a multitude of applications, from tracking people, to parcels to high value assets. The units are wireless and self powered some with up to 5 years+ battery life. They are rugged, easily concealable, configurable and allows for quick and hassle free self installation. Integrated with our state of the art tracking platform and mobile application, we are able to connect the physical world with the digital world, giving you visibility and improved management control of your assets.

Be it a boat, trailer, tractor, golf cart, painting, parcel, driver, child or bulldozer you’d like to track, we have the right product for you.

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Why It soft?

We're making room for self care today with plan.

Unlimited support

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We serve the best work

By initiating your project with Fingent, you get a dedicated and skilled team backing you up round-the-clock. All our processes are the customer oriented, designed to reduce the cost of business operations.

Best quality

Money back

Cheap price